Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft

Institute for Health Economics

Institute head
Work at the Institute

Health economics covers the economic assessment of medical measures. The aim is to compare the monetary investments in healthcare services with their effects on health.
These analyses are roughly broken down into two sub-fields:

  1. Macroeconomic assessments: these include above all questions concerning the structure and organisation of the healthcare sector, including healthcare provision planning.
  2. Microeconomic analyses: Diagnostic or therapeutic measures are compared in terms of the relationship between investment and health benefits.

The Institute for Health Economics works in collaboration with various institutions and individuals. The focus of its activities is on scholarly publications on micro-economic evaluations, involvement in training and in-service training at universities and non-university educational facilities, and the development of networks on healthcare system research issues.
Cooperation partners are institutes within the Karl Landsteiner Society, the Austrian Society for Health Economics, the Austrian Cancer Aid Society (Krebshilfe) and the Institut Human. The Institute also cooperates with the Vienna Hospitals Association, the Lower Austrian Hospital Holding, the Medical University of Vienna, the Krems Danube University and the Krems University of Applied Science. A further funding and cooperation partner is UniCredit Bank Austria.

The Institute for Health Economics has set up working parties on two main topics.
The aim is to prioritise points for development and to elaborate proposals for their improvement.
The “Compliance” working party is led by Dr. Ganzger, and the “applied healthcare research” working party by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion Rauner.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwarz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwarz
Foto: © Sebastian Freiler
Further details on Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwarz