Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft

Research - Progress - Support

Medical research and activities at the highest level – the objectives behind the Karl Landsteiner Society.

The staff of this society, which takes its name from the Lower Austrian Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of blood groups, are committed to these objectives, and pursue them in their daily work.

The Karl Landsteiner Society is an independent medical-scientific research institution currently comprising 66 Institutes covering almost all fields of medicine.

The Institutes under the directorship of renowned personalities focus their activities on patient care, conduct their research work alongside their regular medical work, thus ensuring direct practical relevance. Concrete aims and ongoing assessments ensure constantly high quality standards in all research projects.

  • Research
    Creative, independent, quality-assured
  • Progress
    Patient-focused, networked, practice-related
  • Support
    Innovative, transparent, successful

The Karl Landsteiner Society is an independent medical-scientific research institution, organised as a charitable association with independent institutes.

  • We primarily research in small creative institutes.
  • We attach huge importance to the independence of our institutes.
  • Concrete objectives and ongoing evaluation ensure a high quality standard in all research projects.
  • Our work focuses on the patients.
  • We offer our Institutes a networking platform for interdisciplinary research projects and for international contacts.
  • The research at our institutes is conducted alongside regular hospital work and thus ensure a high degree of practical relevance.
  • We assist our Institutes in managing and accessing new funding opportunities.
  • It goes without saying that transparency is a basic precondition for our activity.
  • We also enable young medical researchers to research independently and hence promote their professional advancement.