Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft

Institute for Retinal Research and Imaging

Institute head
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Siamak Ansari Shahrezaei
    Klinik Landstraße
    Ophthalmology Department
    Juchgasse 25
    1030 Vienna


Work at the Institute
  1. Age-related macular degeneration
    Basic research
    Evaluation of new therapies
  2. Optical coherence tomography
    3D reconstruction technology
    Swept source OCT
    Intraoperative OCT - development
    Intraoperative OCT in the hospital
    1060 nm OCT
  3. Vitreo-retinal diseases
    Seamless vitreous surgery
    New treatments for retinal vessel occlusion
    Retinal detatchment
    Diabetic retinopathy